On December 9th and 10th a series of tornadoes hit Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky, with the heaviest damage reports coming out of TN. Christ In Action sent an assessment team and determined we would best be able to serve in Clarksville, TN. Due to challenges with debris removal, we have modified our response plan and are not requesting volunteers at this time.

We need your generous support to fund this mission. We don't receive any government funding, nor do we have major corporate sponsors. We rely on individuals and churches to help us do what we do. Just to drive our drive our trucks and equipment to TN requires about 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel. You can sponsor a tank of fuel! A tank for a pick up truck is about $140. A tank for a semi is about $800. 100% of any gift will go to helping in TN. We don't pay any salaries; all of our staff raise their own support as missionaries to America.
