Christ In Action Deploying To Eastern Kentucky

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Christ In Action has made the decision to deploy to eastern Kentucky, partnering with local churches and working with other relief groups to bring hope to smaller communities that have not drawn much media attention. Volunteer registration is now open! Please go to to sign up (even if you have deployed/volunteered with Christ In Action before). Use the form to let us know when and how long you are able to stay. We are currently scheduling volunteers between March 12 and April 15. Volunteers MUST be 18 years or older and willing to work long, hard days. You will receive location and packing details via email within 24 hours of registering. Getting to and from Camp Hope will be your responsibility. We will have food and sleeping bag space. The number of volunteers we can accommodate is limited, so we will take as many as we can!
Thank you for your prayers! If you have physical or health restrictions or are not able to deploy, please do what you can to help us raise the thousands of dollars we need to do as much as we can for the kingdom! Your church family, small group, work buddies, ladies' Bible study, men's group, mom's club, sports teams can all be a part of us being here on the ground!
We will be releasing an assessment video soon, so stay tuned, watch our blog and follow us on Facebook. Thank you for helping us be Christ In Action as we help those who have lost everything!
Please continue to pray for these people who have lost everything.
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